Topiary - műkertészet

Kreatív kertészetKreatív kerté 23:14:452023-10-31 03:43:09EGGEGGCentral Médiacsoport Zrt.centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2008


Topiary is the art of creating sculptures in the medium of clipped trees, shrubs and sub-shrubs. The word derives from the Latin word for an ornamental landscape gardener, topiarius, creator of topia or 'places', a Greek word that Romans applied also to fictive indoor landscapes executed in fresco. No doubt the use of a Greek word betokens the art's origins in the Hellenistic world that was influenced by Persia, for neither Classical Greece nor Republican Rome developed any sophisticated tradition of artful pleasure grounds.


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Készült: 2008. 04. 23.